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About Us


YoshiKeyCustoms was founded in North Carolina, U.S.. As a kid, I was always obsessed with technology, and keyboards were no exception. I always wanted a keyboard that looks cool, sounds cool, and feels cool. You might have a basic black keyboard, but now - you don't have to!


Here at YoshiKeyCustoms, we make designer keyboards at affordable prices. And our keyboards look cool, sound cool, and feel cool.


Why does this matter? Well, most people use some sort of keyboard almost every day. Whether it is on a laptop, a desktop, or even your phone, you use it pretty regularly. So if you use something that frequently, why not ensure you enjoy using it?! With a designer keyboard, you can use your keyboard for hours on end with ease, or you can game on it with highly performant reaction times. Or like I sometimes do - you can just click it for the satisfaction! And if you make the right choice - your keyboard can look, sound, and feel great too.


Discover you dream keyboard today...

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